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International Experts Visit Kmind to Discuss New Outlook for the Strategic Consulting Industry

Source:CMC-Global04-30 2024

On April 25th, an international delegation consisting of ICMCI (International Council of Management Consulting Institutes) Chairman Robert Bodenstein, Executive Director Reema Nasser, Asia-Pacific Hub Chair Lydia Goh, Secretary-General of the China Enterprise Confederation Advisory Committee Yanyan Zhang, Cambridge Judge Business School Professor Yeun Joon Kim, Ivey Business School Professor and PhD Program Director Hubert Pun, and partners from Elevate Leadership Group Junho Suh, Timothy James, and James Suh visited Kmind Consulting. Representatives from Austria, the UK, the USA, Canada, Jordan, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong, China, were part of this delegation. The visit further strengthened exchanges and cooperation in the global business sector and promoted the sharing of Kmind’s Next Generation Strategy on the world stage.

During the opening ceremony of the 100th session of Kmind Strategy Program, ICMCI Chairman Robert Bodenstein and Executive Director Reema Nasser jointly presented an honorary certificate to Kmind’s Chairman Noah Xie, in recognition of Kmind’s contributions to the global consulting industry. Noah Xie expressed his willingness to be a pioneer in exploring a new path for the integration of Eastern and Western strategic theories and shedding light for businesses navigating through uncertainties.

ICMCI Chairman Robert Bodenstein conducted an in-depth study of Kmind’s practical cases. He stated: “Many business cases demonstrate that Kmind‘s methodology is universally applicable. It is based on a very solid and robust approach. You can be sure if you use this as a consultant or as a management, they cover everything that needs to be covered. It works with different business types of any size, in any industry especially for the B2C market. It will also work for the B2B market with some adjustments.”

Secretary-General Yanyan Zhang of the CEC Advisory Committee stated that the Confederation currently has 550,000 members, many of whom urgently require professional strategic consulting and management. Kmind has maintained a leading position in China's strategic consulting industry for many years, standing out with its innovative, East-meets-West next generation strategy. "I sincerely hope that Kmind can lead more enterprises to join the Mega Brand Club and take the next step towards generating trillion RMB in annual revenue," she expressed.

ICMCI Executive Director Reema Nasser stated, “Although it is my first time in China, I already feel like I am visiting with my brothers and sisters. It provided me with a wonderful chance to know more about Kmind, its methodology and its business cases. Kmind brought a new perspective to ICMCI on how to move forward with enhancing the CMC brand globally.”

James Suh, partner at Elevate Leadership Group, commented that Kmind will fundamentally change the way consulting services are delivered today and in the future. “I never have seen this business model. Kmind‘s lectures really build a bilateral relationship with their clients and potential clients, followed up with their strategy implementation and operations. Kmind's team has a unique ability to deliver both the operation efficiency and building emotional brands that are critical in building sustainable business.”

Kmind Consulting Partner Hugo Xie expressed sincere gratitude for the visit of the international delegation. He mentioned that since its establishment, Kmind has helped many enterprises win numerous campaigns. It is the mutual trust between Kmind and these businesses that has laid the foundation for successful collaborations, ensuring the effective implementation of strategies. “I am very pleased to have this opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions with international experts from various fields on topics such as Kmind’s core strategic ideas, international strategic consulting, and brand localization. Kmind is eager to listen to all external voices to broaden our horizons, and we are very grateful for everyone's recognition of Kmind’s next generation strategy."

Experts and scholars from various fields freely exchanged ideas and opinions with Kmind on topics such as exploring and expanding business opportunities for Chinese enterprises in global markets, new insights, challenges, and opportunities in the international consulting industry during an era of intense competition. This provided Kmind with a broader international perspective and authoritative validation. Recently, Kmind was honored as the #1 "Best Consulting Firms for Innovation" in the Vault Asia-Pacific Rankings, reflecting the international community's recognition of Kmind’s innovative spirit and strategic wisdom.

Uniting efforts to create great achievements, Kmind, with its profound strategic consulting experience and outstanding practical results, has already helped many companies advance against unfavorable currents, obtaining billion (RMB) of revenue and reaching trillions soon. Established for nine years, Kmind will continue to provide high-quality strategic consulting services to help enterprises securing sustainable growth, seizing opportunities in global competition, and maintaining a leading position on the world stage.