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Noah Xie
Noah Xie

Kmind Founder & President

Through 20+ years of professional experience & research, Noah (Weishan) Xie developed Kmind's unique brand of Competitive Strategy一a combination of the best aspects of western management theory and oriental strategic theory. Through laser-focused strategic brand positioning and building solid competitive advantages, his clients achieve healthy, sustainable growth, swiftly evolving from midcap companies to market leaders. 7 of his recent clients have broken through the 10 billion annual revenue threshold.


Academically, Noah has imparted his strategic theory and outlook at Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and various other business forums. His work has reached and benefited 50,000+ business owners since he began lecturing in 2008.


He is currently vice-chair of the 7th Management Consulting Committee of China Enterprise Confederation and a member of the Expert Committee of Competitive Strategy Teaching and Research Workshop of China Management Case Sharing Center. Noah is often invited to attend the Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum, the ICMCI annual meeting, the China Business Forum of the London Business School and other domestic and international conferences. He has been interviewed by CCTV, Xinhua, Caijing Weekly, Business Review and other media for many times, and has been honored the title of Most Influential Consulting Leader of Asia in 2024 by 《Figures Asia》.


Besides, Noah has aided in the professional interpretation of the book Great Competition - Competitive Strategy Practice Cases of Chinese Enterprises. He has also translated Western strategic theory books to Chinese, of which include Marketing Warfare, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, and Marketing Revolution.
