Noah Xie of Kmind Was Invited to Deliver a Speech at the Yabuli Summer Summit 2019

Diagnosing China's economy and focusing on future growth has been the core theme of Yabuli Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum. As a well-known and influential thought exchange platform for entrepreneurs, Yabuli Chinese Entrepreneurs Forum Summer Summit 2019 was held during August 16-18 in Tianjin. Over 600 famous Chinese entrepreneurs, including Liu Chuanzhi, Hu Baosen, and Liu Yonghao, and relevant scholars and government officials exchanged thoughts on current hot economic topics like innovation, 5G, business strategy, and real estate as well as integrated momentum strategies, promotion of high quality economic development, and difficulties and opportunities faced by Chinese enterprises.

Chairman of Kmind Strategy Consulting Noah Xie participated in the summit and delivered a keynote speech titled "New Opportuninities for China's Economy", explaining ways to win competition from the perspective of competitive strategy, and elaborating on the development opportunities for China's economy.

Noah Xie of Kmind Was Invited to Deliver a Speech at the Yabuli Summer Summit 2019
Workshop Highlights
Workshop Highlights
Workshop Highlights
Workshop Highlights
Workshop Highlights